Thunder, lightning and rain


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1971 Per aver visto un uomo piangere e soffrire Dio si trasformò in musica e poesia

Testo Della Canzone

Thunder, lightning and rain di Patty Pravo

(David Norman Shapiro)

Heart the rain come pouring down
walking everyone in town
and it makes me so, so sad
tink about the times we had
and i wonder who you’ve found,
It’s getting hard to make it alone
It’s getting hard to find my way home
the rain is mixing with my tears.
All the thunder’s crashing in my ears.
Somebody help me weather the strom.
I keep on walking calling your name
I keep on searching, calling your name
the rain is blinding in my eyes
All the thunder’s crashing in the sky.
Somebody help me, hep me weather the strom.
Here’s the rain and the thunder crash
lighting linght in the windows flash
like the mirror reflecting pain
thunder, lighting and rain.
I keep on walking calling your name
I keep on searching, calling your name
the rain is blinding in my eyes
All the thunder’s crashing in the sky.
Somebody help me weather the strom
Here’s the rain and the thunder crash
lighting linght in the windows flash
like the mirror reflecting pain
thunder, lighting and rain.
Say again now!
Like a mirror reflecting pain
thunder lighting and rain. Ha…!
Hear the rain against the tiles
hear the thunder crash for miles
see the lighting in the sky
see the hell stones live and die.
And then just tell me why.
Hear the rain and you hear my Tears
Hear the thunder and feel my fears
see the lighting and say again
thunder lighting and rain!
Say again now!
Hear the rain and you hear my Tears
Hear the thunder and feel my fears
see the lighting and say again
thunder lighting and rain!

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