Tired Of Being Alive – Danzig Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Tired Of Being Alive – Danzig

Don't care
If 'n' you die
Ain't got no reason to cry
Don't feel
Don't need to
Your world ain't nothing to me
I'm fear
I'm your heretic
I'm doom waiting for the number
7 up 7
To the 6 on 6
Bring it on to me

And I'm tired of being alive
Spite of the bleeding
Bleeding light
And I'm tired of their bleeding light
Don't try to feed me
Full of your lies

No regrets
To bring me no tears
Never scared of things men fear
Never easy
Never clean
To be a beast among human sheep
I am fear
I am your heretic
I am your doom
Waiting for the number
7 on 7
To the 6 on 6
Bring it on to me

And I'm tired of being alive
Spite of the bleeding
Bleeding light
And I'm tired of their bleeding light
Don't try to feed me
Full of your lies

And I'm tired of being alive
Spite of the bleeding
Bleeding light
And I'm tired of their bleeding light
Don't try to feed me
Full of your lies

Oh yea, oh yea
I'm tired
Tired of their bleeding
Oh yea, oh yea

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Danzig in costante aggiornamento

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