Up From A Dream – HAIM Testo con traduzione in italiano


Stavo sognando di nuovo, tu eri lì con me
Eravamo sulla spiaggia, correndo in mare
Hai indicato un segno, ma nei sogni non riesci a leggere
E in quel momento sono scattato di nuovo

Qualcosa che vedi ti sveglia dal sogno
Voglio tornare a dormire, ma ora ti alzi dal sogno
Entra in cucina, tira i piatti dal lavandino
E sei cambiato in un batter d'occhio

Bambino carino
Cambia canale

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Il Testo della canzone di:
Up From A Dream – HAIM

I was dreaming again, you were there with me
We were on the beach, running in the sea
You pointed to a sign, but in dreams you can't read
And in that moment I snapped again

Something you see wakes you up from the dream
Wanna go back to sleep, but now you're up from the dream
Walk into the kitchen, pull the dishes from the sink
And you have changed in the blink of an eye

Pretty baby
Change the channel
On the TV

Something you see wakes you up from the dream
Wanna go back to sleep but now you're up from the dream
Walk into the kitchen, pull the dishes from the sink
And you have changed in the blink of an eye

Something you see wakes you up from the dream
Wanna go back to sleep but now you're up from the dream
Walk into the kitchen, pull the dishes from the sink
And you have changed in the blink of an eye

I could always dream
Could always leave
Could always breath
And still picture you there by my side
I could always slip out the front door
Find my way home
Only to crawl into bed next to you
At the end of the night

We were lying awake
Or so it seemed
Trying to figure out what was happening
Are we already up from the dream?
Or do we need to wake up again?

Something you see wakes you up from the dream
Wanna go back to sleep but now you're up from the dream
Walk into the kitchen, pull the dishes from the sink
And you have changed in the blink of an eye

Something you see wakes you up from the dream
Wanna go back to sleep but now you're up from the dream
Walk into the kitchen, pull the dishes from the sink
And you have changed in the blink of an eye

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per HAIM in costante aggiornamento

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