Warm Whispers – Blackbear Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Warm Whispers – Blackbear

Your warm whispers
Into of the dark they carry my heart
Your warm whispers
Into the dawn they carry me through

And I am weeping warm honey and milk
That you stay surrounding me, surrounding me

(Your warm whispers)
Your warm whispers
Letting me drown in a pool of you
Your warm whispers
Keeping the noise from breaking through

And I am weeping warm honey and milk
That you stay surrounding me, surrounding me
Yeah, I am weeping warm honey and milk
That you stay surrounding me, surrounding me

Your warm whispers
Your warm whispers

Your warm whispers
Into of the dark they carry my heart
Your warm whispers
Into the dawn they carry me through

And I am weeping warm honey and milk
That you stay surrounding me, surrounding me

Your warm whispers
Your warm whispers

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Blackbear in costante aggiornamento

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