Weak Spot – FKA Twigs Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Weak Spot – FKA Twigs

I heard he's got a weak spot for you
He's gonna come
Gonna come running right

I heard he's got a weak spot for you
He's gonna come
Gonna run, coming right back

I saw you try to hide, to hide
He's gonna come running right back
I saw his inside through his eyes
The vision was circling black

Know you wanna, gonna get him
Get him
I know you wanna, gonna get him
Slowly, you wanna pull him right

He's got you feelin' like you're found
Deep down
Rolling on your back, pussycat
He's mine, swine
I dare you, do me like that

I heard he's got a weak spot for you

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