When The Body Speaks – Depeche Mode Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
When The Body Speaks – Depeche Mode

To the soul's desires
The body listens
What the flesh requires
Keeps the heart imprisoned

What the spirit seeks
The mind will follow
When the body speaks
All else is hollow

I'm just an angel
Driving blindly
Through this world

I'm just a slave here
At the mercy
Of a girl

Oh I need your tenderness
Oh I need your touch
Oh I dream of one caress
Oh I pray too much

To the soul's desires
The body listens
What the flesh requires
Keeps the heart imprisoned

What the spirit seeks
The mind will follow
When the body speaks
All else is hollow

You keep me waiting
For the promise
That is mine

Please stop debating
Please stop wasting
Your time

Oh I need your tenderness
Oh I need your touch
Oh I dream of one caress
Oh I pray too much

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