You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You – Michael Buble Testo della canzone

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You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You – Michael Buble

You are nobody until somebody loves you.
You're nobody 'til somebody cares.
Now you may be king, you may possess
The world and its gold.
Gold won't ever buy you happiness
When you're growing old.

You know, the world is the same.
You'll never change it.
Just as sure as the stars shine above.

Well, you are nobody until somebody comes and loves you.
So, find yourself somebody to love.

I said, "The world—it still is the same,
You'll never change it."
Just as sure as the stars shine above.

Good God, baby, you are nobody until somebody loves you.
So, find yourself somebody to love.
I have got me that body.
So, go up, look about and find yourself somebody to love.

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Michael Buble in costante aggiornamento

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