Acid bubble


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Acid bubble di Alice in Chains

You tried to kill me off
Surprised, I remain
A scale tips, impossible
Afraid of my own name

And I always paid attention to all the lines you crossed
Forgive this imperfection it shows, and know
I am the child that lives and cries in the corner
Dies in the corner

Unloved inside your mind

Intent obsolescence
Built into the system

I tried to shake it off
You can’t remove this stain
A scale breaks, impossible
Afraid we are the same

And you never paid attention to all the lines I crossed
Forgive this imperfection it shows, and know
I am the child that lives and cries in the corner
Dies in the corner

Unloved inside your mind

Hides in a corner
Dies in a corner
Unloved inside your mind

Intent obsolescence
Built into the system

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