Fake plastic trees


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Fake plastic trees di Radio Head

HEr green plastiC wateringcan
for her fake chineserubberplant
in the fake plastic earth.
that she bought from a rubber man
in a town full of rubber PlanS
to get rid of itself,- it wears her out.

SHe lives with a broken man,
a cracked polystyreneman who just
crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but GRAVITY always
wins and it wears him out.

She Looks like the real thing.
She tastes like the real thing,
my fake plastic love.

But I Can’t Help The Feeling.
I Could Blow Through The Ceiling.
If I Just Turn And RUN.
and it wears me out.

If i could be who you wanted all the time..

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