Go on home british soldiers


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Go on home british soldiers di Tommy Skelly

Go on home British soldiers,
go on home.
Have you got no fuckin’ homes
of your own ?
For eight hundred years
we’ve fought you without fear
And we will fight you for
eight hundred more.

Leave us be British soldiers
leave us be.
We`re fed up with yer lies and tyranny
For it`s now your turn to run,
cause its us that have the guns
So take a trip and leave us
while you may.

If you stay British soldiers,
if you stay
You will never ever beat the IRA
The fourteen men in Derry
are the last that you will bury
Go on home and leave us while you may.

No, we’re not British,
we’re not Saxon,
we’re not English (are we fuck)
We’re Irish! and proud we are to be.
So fuck your union jack we want our country back
We want to see old Ireland
free once more.

Well we’re fighting British soldiers
for the cause
We’ll never bow to soldiers because
Throughout our history we were born
to be free
So get out British bastards,
leave us be.

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