In a centurys time


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

In a centurys time di The Servant

Once I fell through the void
A grey asteroid
Lonely I spun
Once you gleamed on the sea
A glimmering beam
Shone from a sun

In a century’s time you’ll be a wall in a room
In a century’s time I’ll be a factory’s fumes

Once you flew over ground
Buildings came down
Fiercely you blew
Once I hung on a tree
Brushed by a breeze
A breeze that was you

In a century’s time you’ll be a wall in a room
In a century’s time I’ll be a factory’s fumes

For today these things converge as us
Now they’re me
Now they are you
We are brand new
And tomorrow these things will be something else
Like a car, a dog or a phone
They’ll be brand new
They’ll be brand new…

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