Inject the venom


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Inject the venom di Ac Dc

No mercy for the bad if they want it
No mercy for the bad if they plead
No mercy for the bad if they need it
No mercy from me

Tell no truth and tell no lies
Cross your heart and hope to die
Never give what you can’t take back
Scratch like a cat
Inject your venom
It’ll be your last attack

No mercy for the bad if they want it
No mercy for the bad if they plead
No mercy for the bad if they need it

Got no heart, no – feel no pain
Take your soul and – leave a stain
Come choose your victim
Take him by surprise
Go in hard and get him
Right between the eyes and –

Inject the venom
Inject the venom
Inject the venom
Inject it all

(stick it in, stick it)


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