Marlboro man


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Marlboro man di [[]]


Well this one day
I’d like to say
And can I, can I, can I have fun?
But no matter what I do
I always have to stare
And I can’t go in and suck my thumb
And when the toys ??? and ???
Think that I need ???
Sitting on the porch, and waiting for the ???
While sucking on my ???
I don’t know why
I just want to die
And years to whats on you
‘Cause in the car, well I should really fart
But I guess your really healthy too
Blacked on the ground
Nothing to eat, oh it might look amusing
I guess I should wonder about you
My breath is how the streets cave in, everyday
Oh how the antelopes
Slow and soft, as it slides right into my own
But that’s just nothing, in ???
Blacked on the ground
Nothing to eat, oh it might look amusing
I guess I should wonder about you
My breath is how the streets cave in, everyday</p>

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