The secret


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

The secret di Lacuna Coil

Shot in his eyes, a silver sky,
his blood is in my hands (in my hands)
I blessed this one, I know he’s died
But now I’m feeling so strange

I know
You’d better believe
That everything you do
You can’t understand it
Or ever justify
I don’t want to be your guide
But stay with me and think for a while

The secret belong to a part of me
And it’s my anger and my pain
Just close my eyes and live your life
Your tears are so sweet for me

Loosing my life
A matter of time
Refusing all this game

I blessed this one
I know he’s died
But now I’m feeling
So strange

I know
I can’t understand this joy inside of me
You can’t understand me or ever justify

I just cannot be your guide

Just stay with me and think for a while

The secret belong to a part of me
Increase my anger and my pain
Just close my eyes and live your life
Your tears are so sweet for me

Stay with me
I’ll take you into another world
I’ll bring your heart into another world

The secret belong to a part of me
Increase my anger and my pain
Just close my eyes and live your life
Your tears are so sweet for me

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