1975 Minstrel in the Gallery di Jethro Tull
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Cover dell’album.
[David Palmer – parlato] :
‘My lord and lady, we have fortuitously happended upon these, er, strolling players, who will provide you with, er, goodly tunes while you set about your prandial delights…albeit in the lamentable absence of your guests. So, my lord and lady, for your entertainment!…..’
- Minstrel in the Gallery – 8:13
- Cold Wind to Valhalla – 4:19
- Black Satin Dancer – 6:52
- Requiem – 3:45
- One White Duck / 0/10 = Nothing at All – 4:37
- Baker St. Muse – 16:39
- Pig-Me and the Whore
- Nice Little Tune
- Crash-Barrier Waltzer
- Mother England Reverie
- Grace – 0:50
Bonus track presenti nella versione rimasterizzata nel 2002:
- Summerday Sands – 3:44
- March the Mad Scientist – 1:48
- Pan Dance – 3:25
- Minstrel in the Gallery (live) – 2:11
- Cold Wind to Valhalla (live) – 1:32