1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 9 di Frank Sinatra
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 9
Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di Proprietà dell’autore. Wikitesti.com è un un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.
- Pass me by
- Emily-Frank Sinatra
- Dear heart
- Somewhere in your heart
- Any time at all
- Don’t wait too long
- September song
- Last night when we were young
- Hello, young lovers
- I see it now
- When the wind was green
- Once upon a time
- How old am I?
- It was a very good year
- The man in the looking glass
- This is all I ask
- It gets lonely early
- The september of my years
- Tell her (you love her each day)
- When somebody loves you
- Forget domani
- Ev’rybody has the right to be wrong! (at least once)
- I’ll only miss her when I think of her
- Golden moment