à contenuto nei seguenti album:
1977 Draw the line
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Testo Della Canzone
Get it up di Aerosmith
Take me on your rocking whores
Hit the lights and shut your doors Grab your ankles, ev’ryone Ain’t my way of having fun Can’t give it up, gotta give it up, give it up, c’mon Nancy Can’t give it up, get it up, for your fancy Gotta get it up, get it up, c’mon Nancy Can’t get it up, gotta get it up, get it up, For your fantasies My ass don’t speculate I’m just your slave, your master’s bait And lots of luck into the night Just waitin’ for the bright light fright Can’t give it up, gotta give it up, get it up, c’mon Nancy Really have a good time can’t get it up, gotta get it up,
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