After Me, After You – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
After Me, After You – Charley Pride

After you I could never love again
Darlin' your love would be to much to forget
Losing you I know would drive me crazy
Your memory would never let me rest

It'll be after me after you
Oh those big ole boys
In the middle why choose
If you pack your bags
Just pack mine to
It'll be after me after you

Holding you holds my world together
So take my hand and just tell me that your mine
Without you and your love to keep me going
Darlin' I know I'd go out of my mind

It'll be after me after you
Oh those big ole boys
In the middle why choose
If you pack your bags
Just pack mine to
It'll be after me after you
It'll be after me after you

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