Always Faithful – Cory Asbury Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Always Faithful – Cory Asbury

I sought the Lord, and He heard me
I sought the Lord, and He heard my cry
I sought the Lord, and He heard me
I sought the Lord, and He heard my cry
And He answered me

Though weeping endures for the night
Your joy comes in the morning
Though sorrow may last for a time
Your joy comes in the morning

Faithful, You're always faithful
True, You're always true
You'll never leave me, You're always with me
You're good, You're good

I sought the Lord, and He heard me
I sought the Lord, and He heard my cry
And He answered me

Though weeping endures for the night
Your joy comes in the morning
Though sorrow may last for a time
Your joy comes in the morning

Faithful, You're always faithful
True, You're always true
You'll never leave me, You're always with me
You're good, You're good

You bring joy, You bring joy
You bring joy, You bring joy
You bring joy, You bring joy to my soul
(Soul, soul)
(Soul, soul)

Faithful, You're always faithful
True, You're always true
You'll never leave me, You're always with me
You're good, You're good

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Cory Asbury in costante aggiornamento

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