Be All Things – Chelsea Wolfe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Be All Things – Chelsea Wolfe

Walking the old path turned me towards death
The ravens woke at dawn
And daylight plumed my skin
Then the air was full, simply composed of prey

I cannot stop
I want to be all things
I've got to let go
I want to be all things

Warriors, newborns, and queens
The lion and the wolf
Gnarling at eternal sleep

Let it burn
Hear it groan
Restrained desire
Cast it down

I cannot stop
I want to be all things
I've got to let go
I want to be all things

I cannot stop
I want to be all things
I've got to let go
I want to be all things

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chelsea Wolfe in costante aggiornamento

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