Bed In The Corner – Cockney Rebel Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bed In The Corner – Cockney Rebel

I've just been speaking to the one who holds the key
When she asked me, would I like to wait and to see?
Would I like to try and explain?
Would I like to try and explain?
How my heart is feeling tonight with all the strain?

I said I could take much more from such a friend
Although I hoped we weren't very far away from the end
For the time it's a-getting late
For the time it's a-getting late
And my heart is hurting a little bit from the weight

She just said
'I've got a bed here for you, I've got a bed here for me'
'So you can look into my eyes and tell me what you see'

But she's a rosebud in my heart and in my dreams
See her flow into the night like rivers and streams
How I'd love to lie in her arms
How I'd love to lie in her arms
But I don't seem able to win her with my charms

She just said
'I've got a bed here for you, I've got a bed here for me'
'So you can look into my eyes and tell me what you see'

'I've got a bed here for you, I've got a bed here for me'
'So you can look into my eyes and tell me what you see'

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