Berlin – Chaos Chaos Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Berlin – Chaos Chaos

I hate it here
I wanna go back to Berlin
But I can't
I'm not in tune
I want to back to Berlin
But I can't

It's what I needed
It's what you think you want from me
I mean, I want to go back to Berlin
But I can't
I can't!
There's a closet
On the back shelf of your mind
I mean, I want to go back to Berlin
But I can't
I can't!
I mean, I want to go back to Berlin
But I can't
And I'm not afraid of
Crossing through that door

I hate it here
You're walking around thinking of me over there
Now that I'm home
I wanna go back to Berlin
But I can't
If you want to be my lover
It's not gonna' work I tell you
If you want to make an impression
It's not gonna' work, It's not gonna' work

So what you're made of
Little pieces of, pieces of
Intention I cannot find
And I weed out every lie
I feel fine
I feel
I've grown
I've grown into
I'm still in love with those nights
On the back shelf of my mind
My apartment of redesign
There's no space for you and I
But I feel fine
I know, I know, I know I want it
What's the solution?
Just know, just know, you know you want it
I keep pushing to my feet in to the ground

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