Blind leading the blind – Mumford & Sons Testo con traduzione in italiano


La mia generazione è bloccata davanti allo specchio
“Dimentica i poveri, perché non mi piace la parola”
Devo sapere il nome del mio vicino
Non sono famoso se non sono visto o sentito
E ho paura di ciò che non conosco
Quindi perché non chiedo il tuo fo**uto nome
La giustizia viene sepolta sotto una luce bianca
Che una volta avresti chiamato vergogna

Metti la mano addosso a me stasera
E io sarò qui

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Il Testo della canzone di:
Blind leading the blind – Mumford & Sons

My generation’s stuck in the mirror
“Forget about the poor, ‘cause I don’t like the word”
I need to know the name of my neighbor
I am not known if I’m not seen or heard
And I am afraid of that which I do not know
So why don’t I just ask your fucking name
Justice just gets buried in a white light
There used to be a time you’d call it shame

Put your hand on me tonight
And I will be here
When you’re crying out tonight
And I will be here

Your cynicism buys me no more time here
Imagine my relief to hit the walls
Running from the weight of ancient labels
And leaving what identity there was
Well my generation’s stuck in the mirror
“Forget about the poor, ‘cause I don’t like the word”
I need to know the name of my neighbor
I am not known if I’m not seen or heard

So put your hand on me tonight
And I will be here
When you’re crying out tonight
I will be here

Let’s raise our hands for a moment
And leave it all behind
Don’t be afraid for a moment
The blind leading the blind

Put your hand on me tonight
And I will be here
When you’re crying out tonight
I will be here

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Mumford & Sons in costante aggiornamento

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