Blood of heroes


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Blood of heroes di Megadeth

Walking stiff let me tall ya’
Better left for dead
And now we are on a mission
Well it’s full speed ahead
My legion’s when we do the crime
Let’s get one thing straight
To get there early is on time
And showing up on time is late

Ladies and gents, we’re still alive
By the skin of our teeth, now it’s killing time
Angel in our pocket, devil by our side
We ain’t going nowhere, ‘cuz heroes never die

Still alive
Blood of heroes
Never die
They never die

We’ve been run down every hill
Chased up all the dead end streets
But if you try to cut us out
You’ll get a kick in the teeth

Ladies and Gents, we’re still alive
By the skin of our teeth, now it’s killing time
Fasten up you head belts,
Time to ride the skies
It’s time to be immortal, ‘cuz heroes never die

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