Bridge – Cloverton Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Bridge – Cloverton

When the day began
We were hand in hand
Innocence was young
Day would turn to night
It darkened me as I found another love
And tears would fill the sea
As You would long for me
Headed nowhere, headed fast
Out of luck that didn’t last
Now death is at my door
And all within me hides
All within me cries for all I had before
With every breath behind
The hallelujahs die
But I see You coming on Your way tonight
I see You coming ‘round the bend
I see You coming over time and space again
I see You coming o’er the waves tonight
I see the hands that formed the sea
I see the arms that reached the end reach out for me
I built a kingdom bigger than Egypt
I built a wealth richer than gold
I built a hole that came between us
You built a bridge
Built it for me
I’m coming home

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Cloverton in costante aggiornamento

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