Cock a doodle doo


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Cock a doodle doo di Colonne Sonore Film

Canta Bud Spencer

You wake up in the morning CADD
Go to bed in the evening CADD
Lay in the sunshine CADD
Wet under a rain star CADD

Now you’re praing today
As the game you were waithing for
Yes you win everyone CADD
And you win every champion
Now you’re praing today
As the game you were waithing for
Yes you win everyone CADD
And you win every champ.

That’s the sun for the children CADD
And the snow for grown ups CADD
Let’s singing together CADD
Clap your hands together CADD

Now you’re praing today
As the game you were waithing for
Yes you win everyone cock a doodle doo!
And you win every champion
Now you’re praing today
As the game you were waithing for
Yes you win everyone
And you win every champ.

Now you’re praing today…

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