Crazy Tessa Violet Feat Dodie Clark – Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Crazy – Tessa Violet Feat Dodie Clark

Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue

I knew, you'd love me as long as you wanted
Then some day, you'd leave me for somebody new

Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wondering, what in the world did I do

Crazy, for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you

Crazy, for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Tessa Violet e Dodie Clark in costante aggiornamento

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