Darts of pleasure


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Darts of pleasure di Franz Ferdinand

You are the latest contender
You are the one to remember
You are the villain
That sells a line of dark fantastic passion

I know that you will surrender
I know that you will surrender
I want this fantastic passion, we’ll have fantastic passion

You can feel my lips undress your eyes
Undress your eyes, undress your eyes
Words of love, words so leisured
Words are poisoned darts of pleasure
Tied and so you die

You are the latest adventure
You’re an emotional avenger
You are the devil
That sells a line of dark fantastic passion

I know that you will surrender
I know that you will surrender
I want this fantastic passion, we’ll have fantastic passion

You can feel my lips undress your eyes
Undress your eyes, undress your eyes
Skin can feel my lips, they tingle tense anticipation
This was an easy one, feel the word and melt upon it
Words of love, words so leisured
Words are poisoned darts of pleasure
Tied and so you die

Ich heiße superfantastisch
Ich trinke Schampus mit Lachsfisch
Ich heiße superfantastisch…

I am named ‘Super-fantastic’
I drink Champagne with smoked salmon
I am named ‘Super-fantastic…’

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