

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Deformography di Marilyn Manson

When you wish upon a star
don’t let yourself fall, fall in too hard
I fell into you and I’m on my back
an insect decaying in your little trap
I squirm into you, now I’m in your gut
I fell into you, now I’m in a rut
“I lift you up like the sweetest angel,
I’ll tear you down like a whore.
I will bury your god in my warm spit,
you’ll be deformed in your porn”
rock star, yeah (you’re such a dirty, dirty)
rock star, yeah (dirty, dirty, dirty)
you eat up my heart and all the little parts
your star is so sharp
it leaves me jagged holes
I make myself sick just to poison you
if I can’t have you then no one will
you are the one I want and what I want is so unreal
i’m such a dirty Rock star yeah…
(I am the one you want and the one you want is so unreal)

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