Dragged Out – Chelsea Wolfe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Dragged Out – Chelsea Wolfe

Baby, they don't want you
They only want to tear you apart
They believe if they drink you they'll be like you
It'll never end
The drag will keep on coming

Dragged out in the weather
Dragged out in the madness
Dragged out in your loneliness

Sometimes I want to lose my mind
Lose myself
Sometimes I want to lose my mind
Lose myself to something
To someone else
Won't you take me down?
I'm so tired, I'm so tired

Dragged out in the weather
Dragged out in the madness
Dragged out in your loneliness

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chelsea Wolfe in costante aggiornamento

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