

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Education di Pearl Jam

I’m questioning my education
Is my education all i am now?
While you’re deciding i’ve been finding
Looking around in the here and now

If I’d been taught from the beginning
Would my fears now be winning?

I’m questioning my own equation
Is my own equation relevant somehow
The flags will wave and the news is breaking
See the man who came, forgot his own tie

If I’d been taught from the beginning
Would my fears now be winning?
A wild world, figured out the answers
I’ll be in my own, dancing out, ou-out yeaaah

I’m questioning my education
Rewinding, what does it show?
Could be, the truth, it becomes you
I’m a seed wondering why i’m grown.

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti è un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


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