Eh, eh (nothing else I can say) electric piano


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2010 Cherrytree sessions (ep)

Testo Della Canzone

Eh, eh (nothing else I can say) electric piano di Lady Gaga

looked at me that way(Eh, Eh)
There’s nothing else I can say(Eh, Eh)
Not that I don’t care about you
Just that things got so complica- eh eh
I met somebody cute and funny
Got each other and that’s funny, eh eh
I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keep ah-telling me that something’s wrong
That I miss someone
and eh, There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) I wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) (Eh, Eh)
I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keep ah-telling me that something’s wrong
That I miss someone
and eh, There’s nothing else I can say(Eh, Eh)
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) Wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) Wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
Cherry-Cherry boom-boom
All I can say is Eh, Eh

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