Everything Has Grown – Colouring Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Everything Has Grown – Colouring

Everything has grown
Skyline changes
Time where have you flown?
Now all these years have passed us by
And every tear has left your eyes
But how we tried
It was never easy
But now this tapestry has sewn
Are you at peace with every turn?
Do you feel home?
Now everything has grown

And I hope you're better off
And your heartbeat never stopped
Every scar has done healing
And you found your Eden
And I hope you're better off
And your heartbeat never stopped
Every scar has done healing
And you found your Eden

And I hope you're better off
And I hope you're better off
And I hope you're better off
And I hope you're better off
And I hope you're better off
And I hope you're better off

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Colouring in costante aggiornamento

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