Everything She Touches Turns To Love – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

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Everything She Touches Turns To Love – Charley Pride

She creates vibrations of love I can't explain
She absorbs me like the sun draws off the summer rain
She touches me in ev'ry way no matter what she does
Because ev'rything she touches turns to love

And she lays beside me in our bed of roses
And ev'ry night I thank the Lord above
And I'm so happy in our bed of roses
Because ev'rything she touches turns to love

I knew when she touched me my whole world had changed
She's got such a hold on me I'll never be the same
Now I can't remember what life without her was
Because ev'rything she touches turns to love

And she lays beside me in our bed of roses
And ev'ry night I thank the Lord above
And I'm so happy in our bed of roses
Because ev'rything she touches turns to love
Because ev'rything she touches turns to love

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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