

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Failure di King of Convenience

Using the Guardian as a shield,
to cover my thighs against the rain,
I do not mind about my hair.
Your jacket may be waterproof,
but I know the moment you get home
you’re gonna get your trousers changed.
Failure is always the best way to learn,
retracing your steps untill you know,
have no fear your wounds will heal.
I wish I could travel overground
to where all you hear is water sounds,
lush as the wind upon a tree.
I wish I could travel overground
to where all you hear is water sounds,
to capture and keep inside of me.
Failure is always the best way to lean,
retracing your steps untill you know,
have no fear your wounds will heal.

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