Forgive My Heart – Nat King Cole Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Forgive My Heart – Nat King Cole

Forgive my heart
My foolish heart
It won't believe we're through
Forgive my heart
You're still a part
Of everything I do

Forgive my lips
If now and then
They speak your name
If you are still
My only thrill
Am I to blame

Forgive my dreams
In all my dreams
It seems your face appears
Forgive my eyes, I realize
I'm only wasting tears
Don't know why you haunt me
But you do
Forgive my heart
I'm still in love with you

[Instrumental Interlude]

Don't know why you haunt me
But you do
Forgive my heart
I'm still in love with you

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