Fragile – Lacuna Coil


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Fragile – Lacuna Coil di Lacuna Coil

What? Damn, you’re right!
Dare is about obsession
It’s something inside
Wounds are bleeding in my hands
Turning blind
No one will ever stop this self made decline
Nothing really matters

He’s watching me
What if I look away and deal with it
Digging in my grave
I won’t deny it
Fragile my crystal ball shattered on the ground

What? Damn, you’re right!
Learn is about rejection
There’s nothing to hide
Wounds are healing in my hands
Turning blind
No one will ever scratch my own state of mind
Nothing really matters

He’s watching me
What if I look away and deal with it
Digging in my grave
I won’t deny it
Fragile my crystal ball shattered on the ground

He’s watching me
What if I look away and deal with it
Digging in my grave
I won’t deny it
Fragile my crystal ball shattered on the ground.

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