From fluff to you


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Testo Della Canzone

From fluff to you di Beatles

Alan Freeman: Paul? Paul: Yes? Alan: Now, listen– Paul: Yes? Alan: Are you singing? Paul: Mmm… Alan: Do you have any particular idol that you’ve ever copied your singing style from? John: What about my book? Alan: John, go away. John: What about my– Paul: Used to be sort of influenced by Elvis in the old days, I think. Alan: Really? Paul: Yeah, used to love him. John: What about my book, then? Paul: Chuck Berry, Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins, and, eh, Marvin Gaye and things. Can’t really sing like them, you know. I like them, though, love them. John: What about it? Alan: Paul, what about singing “Till There Was You”?

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