Give And Take – Chin Up, Kid Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Give And Take – Chin Up, Kid

I'm just tryna get my head straight
I'm too busy looking out for everyone
Forget just where I came from
Act like you know me when I see you holding
Everything against me like you know the best thing

I'm just tryna get my head straight
I'm too busy looking out for everyone
Forget just where I came from
Act like you know me when I see you holding
Everything against me like you know the best thing

I tried hiding but the truth has a way of finding
Its way out of your mouth when that bottle's running out
So cold, so untold, I got used to being
Sold out and called out for just being a witness

I give and you take but it's just not enough
Then you'd say something fake just to get what you want
You're the reason everything went wrong
I give, you take but it's just not enough

I'm just tryna get my shit straight
While you're busy fucking off with everyone
Real talk can't give me no love
Swore that you're different, I should have listened
I know that you changed up but I still want the same us

I tried hiding but the truth has a way of finding
Its way out of your mouth when that bottle's running out
So cold, so untold, I got used to being
Sold out and called out for just being a witness

I give and you take but it's just not enough
Then you'd say something fake just to get what you want
You're the reason everything went wrong
I give, you take and it's just not enough

Sure you're clever but I'm sure as ever
When the truth gets out, well I doubt that I'll ever be the same
Wear your heart like a banner, baby mind your manners
Let's lay it all down 'cause that bottle's running out

I give and you take, oh baby call my bluff
With friends you're so fake, you're always talking talk
And you're the reason everything went wrong
I'm out, set a course
I'm heading for the door

I give and you take but it's just not enough
Then you'd say something fake just to get what you want
Yeah you're the reason everything went wrong
I give, you take and it's just not enough

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