Go To Bed – Anya Marina Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Go To Bed – Anya Marina

We'll have a drink, we'll have a dance,
We'll fall in love in New York and then later we'll marry in France
And then we'll promise the moon and the stars
We'll stay together like Venus and Mars
We'll have some kids, we'll get it right,
We'll have a wonderful magical beautiful storybook life

And when we fight, I’ll pat your head
And I’ll say, “Darling let's just let it go" and we'll make off to bed

And I will love you for all that you are
And you'll protect me with all of your heart
You'll let me win, you'll say I'm right
Oh what a wonderful, magical, beautiful storybook life

But oh it gets cold in the chill of the winter
And oh have you noticed the days getting thinner?
When all's forgot and all you've got is time and the moon on your side...

Just go to bed, turn out the lights
You'll have a wonderful magical beautiful storybook life
Just go to bed, turn out the lights
You'll have a wonderful magical beautiful storybook life

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Anya Marina in costante aggiornamento

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