Gone – Cherry Monroe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Gone – Cherry Monroe

She was telling me
All the things that we should be
Like it's over
Cuz she's leaving
But i'm so stupid
Such an asshole
What a hassle
Of knowing me cuz...

Now that youre gone, now that youre
Everything, everythings my fault
Now that youre

Oh she tried to warn me
That my heart was breaking
Through her fingers
I was slipping
But i'm so stupid
Such an asshole
What a hassle
Of knowing me cuz...

Now that youre gone, now that youre
Everything, everythings my fault
Know that youre gone
Now i'm alone, now that youre
Everything everythings my fault
Now that youre

Everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything's my fault
Now that youre

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Cherry Monroe in costante aggiornamento

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