Great divide


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Testo Della Canzone

Great divide di Nine Days

Every moment
Is a memory
On and on until eternity
But as far as any eye can see
There’s a great divide

Maybe we can find a way
To fall into each other’s arms
And finally we can say nothing
Tired of making same mistakes
With the same old bullshit lines
So maybe me should say nothing

Every moment is our destiny
We can be just who we wanna be
Or as far as any eye can see
There’s a great divide

Maybe we can find a way
To fall into each other’s arms
And finally we can say nothing
Tired of making same mistakes
With the same old bullshit lines
So maybe we should say nothing

All we are is everything that we’ll become
And might have been
All we are is everything that we’ll become
And might have been
All we are is a
Moment passing on and on
And all we are is everything that we’ll become
And might have been

Tired of making same mistakes
With the same old bullshit lines
So maybe we should say nothing
Maybe we can find a way
To fall into each other’s arms
And finally we can say nothing

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