Greener grass


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Testo Della Canzone

Greener grass di Nine Days

Well, a man has two faces
But still he’s half blind
Well, he searches with one eye
For what he won’t find
Well, he looks for her far
When she is near
When he calls out her name
She pretends she don’t hear

If you loved her my friend don’t take away her pride
You might love her again if in your heart you can find
The love that you knew

Well, the grass is always greener
On the other side
Well, it’s hard to remember
Just how it looked in your eyes
Well, I know that I hurt you
But I paid the price ???
Well, it’s hard to forget
Some memories will never fade

If you loved her my friend don’t take away her pride
You might love her again if in your heart you can find
The love that you knew

If you loved her my friend don’t take away her pride
You might love her again if in your heart you can find
If you loved her my friend don’t take away her pride
You might love her again if in your heart you can find
The love that you knew

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