Greenfields, Golden Sands – Yusuf Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Greenfields, Golden Sands – Yusuf

Green Fields and Golden Sands
Are all I need, are all I want
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

A small house and an olive tree
To keep and feed my family
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

One day we'll all realize, I'm not the only one
Just raise your eyes up and you'll be gone
To those

Green Fields and Golden Sands
That's all I need, that's all I want
That's all I really need
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

One day we'll all realize, I'm not the only one
Just raise your eyes up and you'll be gone
To those

Green Fields and Golden Sands
That's all I need, that's all I want
That's all I need, That's all I really want

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