Grey Days – Chelsea Wolfe Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Grey Days – Chelsea Wolfe

How many years have I been sleeping?
Nobody ever said I was alive
Why does everything feel so unnamed?

The poison inside helps me along
Grey and holy
You said it was the first time
Like the morphine
You take it all away
Pretend it's okay
The grey days

Lost inside the River Styx
I don't know where to run
No hunger, no fever, no loss, no wager
Could wake your mind

How many years have I been sleeping?
How many hours did I throw away?
Why does everything feel so unnamed?

The poison inside helps me along
Grey and holy
You said it was the first time
Like the morphine
You take it all away
Pretend it's okay
The grey days

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chelsea Wolfe in costante aggiornamento

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