Grey Oceans – CocoRosie Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Grey Oceans – CocoRosie

In heaven warm souls flutter
They flutter by with rosaries
Dangling from their necks
German shepherds guide by nightfall
Little kinder
Little kinder dressed in starlight
Inside I feel like
Like I'm crying besides a tree
I'm watching myself like an old TV
I'm watching myself like an old movie on color TV
When people whisper in Portuguese
Its just as mysterious
And the stubble on his face
It hurt me when
When we fell onto each other's faces
Dawn retraces heart ached patterns across grey oceans
Windows brighten up the room
And one could cast a smooth worn lover's stone
Worn smooth from days of fertile deliberation

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per CocoRosie in costante aggiornamento

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