Happy ending


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1963 It happened at the world’s fair
1978 Mahalo from Elvis
1993 Double features:It happened at the world’s fair-Fun in Acapulco

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Testo Della Canzone

Happy ending di Elvis Presley

(words & music by ben weisman – sid wayne)
Happy ending, happy ending
Give me a story with a, happy ending
When boy meets girl and then
They never part again
But live forever happily, like you and me
Our love story gets me so upset
Like romeo, and juliet
Im not smart enough to figure why
Some folks enjoy, a real good cry
Happy ending, happy ending
Give me a story with a, happy ending
When boy meets girl and then
They never part again
But live forever happily, like you and me
Never thought that I would stand a chance
That youd give me, a second glance
But I think that you can play the part
And give a guy, a happy heart
Happy ending, happy ending
Give me a story with a, happy ending
When boy meets girl and then
They never part again
But live forever happily, like you and me
When boy meets girl and then, they never part again
But live forever happily, like you and me
Like you and me, like you and me
Like you and me

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