Heart shaped glasses when the heart guides the hand


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Heart shaped glasses when the heart guides the hand di Marilyn Manson

She reminds me of
the one in school
when I was cutting
she was dressed in white
and I couldn’t take my eyes off her
but that’s not what I took off that night
And she’ll never cover up
what we did
with a dress
she said
“kiss me, it will heal
but it won’t forget.
kiss me, it will heal
but it won’t forget.”
And I don’t mind you
keeping me
on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you
and you could
stick me too.
Don’t break, don’t break
my heart
and I won’t break your
heart-shaped glasses
Little girl, little girl
you should close your eyes
That blue is getting me high
making me low
That blue is getting me high
making me low
That blue is getting me high
making me low
She reminds of
the one I knew
that cut up the negatives
of my life
I couldn’t take my hands off her
she wouldn’t let me be
anywhere but inside
And I don’t mind you
keeping me
on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you
and you could
stick me too.
don’t break, don’t break
my heart
and I won’t break your
heart-shaped glasses

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