How can it be


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Testo Della Canzone

How can it be di Take That

It’s funny how your life can change
Memories of love remain, inside your heart for all this time
At last you find a different road and suddenly you’re not alone
A game of love rests upon your mind…….

I could feel, the love like steel
It’s like a sense you have inside, you never knew
How can it be
That you love me
All that I’ve seen
Who really want your love and all
How can it be
That you and me
So desperately need each other every day
And what does it mean that you want me
Now it’s for real today

At time it’s easy to forget
All the things you once regret and
never learn to pay the price
Some day the rain will fall within
Remember face it don’t give in
And watch the bad times pass you by

I could feel, the love like steel
It’s like a sense you have inside, you never knew

How can it be
That you love me
All that I’ve seen
Who really want your love and ohh
How can it be
That you and me
So desperately need each other every day
And what does it mean that you want me
Now it’s for real today

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina Ú di proprietà dell’autore. WikiTesti Ú un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.


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