I Only Miss You On Weak Days – Charley Pride Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
I Only Miss You On Weak Days – Charley Pride

I tell my friends I'm doing fine
It won't be long till you're off of my mind
And the pain will end and I'll love again
My heart is healin' soon I'll be free
Soon you won't mean a thing to me
And I'll be okay well that's what I say

I only miss you on weak days
The rest of the time I'm strong
I only miss you on weak days
But I have weak days all week long

I heard that song on the radio
I held back the tears till I got home
So now you know it's true I'm almost over you
Now Monday is the only time
Your memory is on my mind
But since you went away it's Monday every day

I only miss you on weak days
The rest of the time I'm strong
I only miss you on weak days
But I have weak days all week long

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Charley Pride in costante aggiornamento

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